Lenna Schouten

Lenna Schouten graduated in 2011 from Codarts School of the Arts in Rotterdam. Since then she has been working in the field as a dancer, maker and teacher. She danced in productions by various choreographers and also founded Danstheater Rúm with a few colleagues. Rúm creates performances with dance and spatial design/visual arts. As a teacher she works for Fontys Academy for Dance Education and for clients such as the Nederlands Dans Theater, Danscentrum Utrecht, Danstheater VOS and Schools in the Arts. In addition, she immersed herself in Anouk van Dijk’s Counter technique and Tom Koch’s Alexander technique. For her, dance means a physical sensation, adventure and playing with space. Entering into an ongoing experiment, to be surprised by the result.

Jazz rhythm & dynamics: in this lesson we dive into jazz. We groove, ground, move and flow. We play and challenge. Looking for soul, rhythm and dynamic contrasts.

Counter-contemporary: in this lesson we work with a constantly changing dynamic balance. We play with the weight of body parts and the space. We fall and release. You will be given instruments with which you can control yourself as a dancer more and more consciously and more freely.