Our school has a collaboration with ‘Praktijk voor Fysiotherapie Ommedijk’.
Every Monday from 17.30-20.00 uur Noa Mentink is at our school. You can make an appointment with her at our front desk.
Vision of the practice
The practice Fysiotherapie Ommedijk opened in November of 2011 and was formed after a fusion of Fysiotherapie Grootes and Praktijk voor Fysiotherapie De Fockerkt & van Vliet. Because of the merger, a team was formed with a wide range of specialisms.
People are welcome at the practice for:
- Fysical Therapy
- Manual Therapy
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Occupational Physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy and exercise programs for people with chronic illness
- Physiotherapy for seniors
- Physiotherapy for people with jaw problems
- Medical Fitness
For more information visit: www.fysiotherapieommedijk.nl
Example of complaints
Various injuries that the students can come with are for example;
- knee: x position, pain under the kneecap, stability.
- hip: pain in the groin, insufficient rotation, pain in stretching / bending
- back: core stability problems, lower back complaints, bad abdominal muscles, coordination
- ankle: sagging in the ankles, trapped metatarsal feet, pain under the foot
- neck: rotations, dizziness, tightness of neck / shoulder muscles
- shoulder: neck / shoulder stiffness, load on top of the shoulder, being unable to perform certain movements.
Students up to the age of 18 are entitled to 9 physiotherapy treatments per year from the basic insurance. If the complaint is not yet over, 9 will be reimbursed. If a student has supplementary insurance in addition to the basic insurance, in addition to the 9 or 18 from the basic insurance, the person will also be reimbursed for treatments from the supplementary insurance, this differs per insurance and can be looked up in the policy conditions. Students over the age of 18 are only reimbursed for physiotherapy if they are additionally insured. You can go without a referral from the doctor or general practitioner.
Minors must provide written permission from their parents.